Daily Vitality Kit Email Course Syllabus

1. [Video] Welcome to the Daily Vitality Kit + Watch the Orientation Video, view here »
Watch the Daily Vitality Kit orientation video, plus learn what to expect in the six-week program.

2. What Creates Health?, view here »
A simple framework to navigate all health matters.

3. Meet Your Supplements, view here »
Get to know your Daily Vitality formulations, plus how to make the most of them.

4. Meet the Biggest Factor in Aging, view here »
Learn how oxidative stress impacts your health and aging, plus how to slow the process.

5. The Healing Power of Food, view here »
Download the Daily Vitality Diet and learn how to eat to boost energy, mood, and immunity.

6. The Sleep + Stress Connection, view here »
Stress affects sleep, and vice versa — and the connection plays a vital role in your health.

7. Save Your Joints and Bones, view here »
Discover the top four threats to healthy joints and bones, and how to overcome them.

8. Our Best Heart Health Advice, view here »
Give your heart a little extra love, and it will carry you far in life.

9. Fortify Your Immune System, view here »
Discover why your immune system is hugely dependent on your microbiome, and how to care for both.

10. Boost Your Brain Health, view here »
Learn what a healthy brain and nervous system look like, plus how to keep yours in top shape.

11. Keep Your Skin and Eyes Young, view here »
Investing in healthy skin and eyes now can help prevent problems in the future. Here’s how.

12. Help for Hormonal Flux, view here »
Hormones are key to good health; a shift can signal trouble. Learn how to keep yours in balance.

13. 3 Steps to Keep the Benefits Coming, view here »
Discover the next steps for optimizing your health and happiness.