Our Story

We never intended to start a supplement company.
My Dad, better known to his patients as Dr. Rawls, was a well-known obstetrician practicing in a small town off the coast of North Carolina. He chose the OB/GYN specialty because, as he says, “I love helping to bring life and vitality into the world.”
But my Dad’s world crashed in 2003. And that’s where our story begins.
Physician Becomes the Patient
My Dad led an active lifestyle. He loved hiking, surfing, traveling, yoga, playing with his kids and dogs all while juggling a successful medical practice. In his late 40’s, his “normal” life fell apart when he began experiencing debilitating pain and mysterious symptoms. And no one knew why.
The irony here is the conventional medical system — his profession, to which he had devoted decades — had failed him. For years, Dr. Rawls bounced from specialist to specialist and test after test, searching for a diagnosis and cure for his chronic misery.
It became apparent to my Dad that the current medical system is built to manage symptoms and illnesses; not for understanding and addressing the underlying causes of many health problems. If he wanted to get his life back, my Dad knew he had to take control of his own health.
A Modern Herbologist Emerges

Dr. Rawls, being a voracious researcher, poured his soul into understanding the underlying causes of disease and how to regain and maintain good health from a holistic viewpoint. His intense studies and experimentation led him to embrace herbal therapies, recognizing their tremendous power in promoting good health.
Over the next 10 years, he became an expert in modern herbology and in learning how potent botanicals work to target root causes of disease. With the herbal knowledge he acquired and a shift in his diet and lifestyle, my Dad was able to successfully get his life back.
While digging deep to find these herbal solutions, Dr. Rawls found that the quality, purity, and servings of the herbs and supplements sold in the existing marketplace were questionable at best. He was also overwhelmed by the abundance of misinformation and confusing supplement options advertised. Ultimately, he didn’t know who to trust. He knew change was needed. And that’s when I got involved.
Vital Plan is Born
In 2008, my Dad and I started Vital Plan. Our goal was to empower people to take control of their health and provide easy access to his potent herbal blends.
Through a meticulous process, we selected the very best ingredient and manufacturing partners to formulate our supplement line to Dr. Rawls’ exact specifications. We created unique custom blends that could not be found anywhere else, using the highest quality ingredients in the world.
Initially, we set up a small “store” in my Dad’s office, introducing his local patients to Vital Plan for the first time. Nearly a decade later, we’ve expanded our product line internationally and moved into our own facility in Cary, NC, where we have a passionate customer support and operations team.
We're Not Your Average Supplement Company
In the beginning, we didn’t intend to start a supplement company. Now we’re here to reinvent the industry. Our goal is to reimagine what a responsible supplement company should be.
For example, we’re proud to be a B Corporation®, a certification which recognizes companies who meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. Only ten supplement companies in the world have this unique distinction.
Our aim is to educate, inspire, and empower our customers to leverage natural remedies to find their personal path to wellness. We invite you to join our growing, worldwide community of customers taking control of their health.
To your health,
Braden Rawls
CEO, Vital Plan, Inc.