When we think of disease-causing microbes, our minds drift toward external factors. But could the microbes we’ve picked up throughout our lives — the dormant ones that reside in our tissues — re-activate and cause problems later in life?
Listen as Dr. Rawls shares new insights on the emerging dormant microbiome, plus why it matters for your health. Get more information about the factors that promote wellness here.
Video Transcript
Question: Where do disease-causing microbes come from?
Dr. Rawls: Through my research, I’m finding that microbes are a big factor.
Because as it turns out, all the things we pick up through life and also things from our intestinal tract and our skin trickle into our bloodstream and end up in our tissues.
And if our cells are healthy, all those things stay in a dormant state. But if you stress your cells chronically, these things start to emerge.
And so this concept of dormant microbes in our tissue, they’re even calling it the dormant microbiome, that’s a big deal. And that’s something that there are no drugs on Earth that can address.

Discover more in Dr. Bill Rawls' new #1 Bestselling book: The Cellular Wellness Solution: Tap Into Your Full Health Potential with the Science-Backed Power of Herbs.